Industry Insights from CompoundTek CEO in the EPIC World Technology Summit
Belgium, Sep 19, 2018 – The EPIC World Technology Summit held on 30-31-August 2018 was attended by about 110 participants from 22 countries. The purpose of this trailblazing meeting was to bring experts and leaders from industrial companies around the world to discuss photonics technology developments and challenges. EPIC’s members encompass the entire value chain from LED lighting, photovoltaic solar energy, photonics integrated circuits, optical components, lasers, sensors, imaging, displays, projectors, optic fiber, and other photonic related technologies. In addition, a fast-growing sector in the industry association is silicon photonics where CompoundTek plays a significant role.
CompoundTek is the only commercial silicon photonics fab member in the organisation which can support over 5,000 wafers per month and able to assist porting from other fabs for mass production. CompoundTek offers a complete PDK and building blocks in silicon photonics, an MPW and full reticule with quick turn-around time and a value-added service such as silicon photonics design support through its partners. This silicon design support would enable companies to join the race in silicon photonics.
Since its founding in January 2017, CompoundTek has 12 global commercial customers in various silicon photonics applications in the fields of telecom, datacom, bio-medical, automotive, artificial intelligence, and most recently, quantum computing. Rajkumar, the founder and CEO of CompoundTek, has over 25 years of experience in silicon CMOS foundry as a business unit head. He was also a General Manager of a $1.2B business unit with profit and loss responsibilities where he managed over 7,000 people and six world-class fabs. He also led technology migrations from 6” to 8” and 8” to 12” and was instrumental in the first successful conversion of IDM fab into a foundry fab.
In the summit, Rajkumar shared his perspectives about a pressing question in the minds of the participants, “Is Silicon Photonics a Mainstream CMOS Foundry Offering?”
Full house during Raj Kumar’s presentation
After the summit, Dr. Jose Pozo, Director of Technology and Innovation of EPIC has this to say about the presentation, “In my personal opinion, the presentation by Raj Kumar, depicting the business case for CMOS Foundries manufacturing Silicon Photonics, was the highlight of the event.”
Simon Schwinger, CEO and Managing Director of Lighting & Electronics Jena, a supplier in professional lighting and power electronics, wrote in his comment in CompoundTek’s LinkedIn page, “Interesting take-aways.”
CompoundTek is committed to the association and will continue to contribute to the resolution of difficult challenges in its capacity and nurturing partnerships with members.