Infographics and Webinar Highlights for Lumerical Online Tech Day
1st Apr – In case you missed it or are looking for inspirations to bring your silicon ideas to life, our special edition infographics provides perspectives and highlights to the two interactive sessions held as part of Lumerical Online Tech Day. In partnership with Lumerical, Cadence and Mentor, CompoundTek and hosts took attendees through interactive sessions that explored various technological possibilities and discussed capabilities that can advance the adoption of silicon (photonics).
Thanks to Lumerical, you can also check out the videos (login required):
CompoundTek, Lumerical and Cadence:
CompoundTek, Lumerical and Mentor:
Read our special edition infographics:
CompoundTek, Lumerical and Cadence
CompoundTek, Lumerical and Mentor
Contact CompoundTek team at for more details.