Our Services
MPW Fabrication Service CompoundTek is pleased to offer a multi-project wafer (MPW) program on silicon photonics integrated circuit (PIC) to enable cost-competitive product prototyping, characterization of device, validation of intellectual properties (IP), and designs from various participants including fabless silicon PIC companies, integrated device manufacturers (IDMs), and research institutions. Due to the high demand in the semiconductor, MPW run is limited to 2 runs a year.
Refer to the current schedule published below including the deadline for design submissions. We also offer on-demand full wafer for full reticle field designs on a flexible schedule.
Fab Run Submit GDS Layout Due Date
MPW1/25 31 Mar 2025
MPW2/25 30 Sep 2025
i) MPW run will only start if economically feasible
ii) Flexible start date for full reticle field run
Please note that the schedule assumes that all silicon PIC designs pass the design rule checking (DRC) and that the design rules follow the latest version of the PDK. In case of any DRC violations, the customer shall give a waiver by the due date of each MPW run. Scheduled MPW runs will only proceed when it is economically feasible to do so.
CompoundTek reserves the right to change the schedule anytime without prior notice. For the latest PDK version, and for more information, contact enquiries@compoundtek.com.